Day 12: Interview with Mark and Dump run

 Today, we interviewed my step dad, Mark Kozak, and talked to him about one of his old jobs. He worked for a recycling company out of Telluride, Colorado called Sunshine Recycling. His job for them was to create a buisness model for them to most effectively recycle. In his work, he realized he had to do the math to calculate how much energy it took to ship the recycling to the factory, versus how much energy it took to actually recycle the bottle. Because Telluride is so remote, he found that the energy to even ship the recycling was more than the actual recycling process. This brought up a really good point for us, as we have been promoting recycling as much as we could for the last few weeks. We asked him, so why should we recycle if its just more energy and more fuels? He talked about many benefits of recycling. Not only does our earth look cleaner when we get rid of waste, but we also protect animals, wildlife, and ourselfs. He went into some detail about the microplastics and how much of a problem they are. His main point in his buisness model was to take these recycable items, and instead of shipping them to be re-recycled, just making them into something else. He used a glass bottle as an example; grinding the bottle up into sand and using it for concrete and selling it to the town. He went into much more detail that was extremely helpful for our project and we plan to go more in depth in our final paper. After our convorsation with Mark, we did some more research on what he was talking about and how it would fit into our project. After this, we brought the rest of our trash to the dump, and looked around to see the procceses a little. more in depth. 

Daily Hours: 4

Total hours: 54


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